As we work day and night to give all users, store owners, customers, saying YES to everyone who buys and sell their products and services on Clinetrust Nigeria’s fast-growing Ecom classified portal
We are glad to announce. The wait is finally over! ClineTrust Android Mobile Application is now live and available for download on the Google Play Store.

With this clinetrust android app version, users can access a variety of clinetrust services and products, store owners can list their products or services. customers can buy products or request services at the touch of their fingertips.
All features on the clinetrust web version are seamless and available on the mobile app version, affiliate owners can check their metrics, earning, as well customers can manage and track their product delivery, chat with store owners, and more
Conveniently while on the go. The ClineTrust mobile application also offers advanced security features that ensure user information, stores owners portal and customers are safe and secure.

It’s a joy we announce to you all that the Clinetrust Android mobile application version has been released and is now live in the Google App Store. You can check it out Just Click Here to access, download and store the clinetrust android app
Also remember to Create Your Account if you are yet to do so at 100% free, view products and services already listed on Clinetrust